
Make Love to the Darkness

One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.

– Carl Gustav Jung

What needs to be answered : How to make the darkness conscious ?

My answer right now : By focusing on it through Love and Understanding, the focusing on it as the Light of consciousness makes it dissolve. The darkness fears the Light, and the Light is Love.When the Light looks at the Darkness through the eyes of Love, it will disolve into it by EMBRACING IT.

Afficher l'image d'origine

Let the Darkness Embrace the Light, Embrace the Darkness AS the Light.

You are the Darkness.

You are the Light.

Embrace yourself.

Love yourself.

Remember your Unity.

Move beyond Duality.

Embrace Polarity.

Embrace your Darkness.

Embrace your Light.

Make love to your Self within.

Becoming the Spiritual Hermaphrodite you always thrived to be.

It having nothing to do with physical or sexual human tendencies.

But all having to do with the marrying of your intrinsinc Duality.

Your loss of Unity in search of its missing part.

Since the beginning of your journey as a being here.

You just want to be free, and love freely.

And you can be. Right now. Because it is the Essence of What IS.

When everything’s clear.

Transparent. Translucid.

Full acceptance of life without any resistance.

And with Love. And Faith. Bringing forth the right Understanding.

And many powers from Within.

The right trails for the Dream to Fulfill..

It’s highest desires that was wished within the Seed

Of your immensely Unique microcosm of Being

With its own infinite creative landscape Within.

Let yourself be yourself.

Love yourself loving yourself.

Be yourself being yourself, don’t try to hide.

Be transparent.

Thrive to become the most exquisite form of yourself.

And never surrender. Never let your knee on the ground.

Failures and mistakes are meant for us to grow into the best possible version of ourselves.

Take the worst things in your life and view it in the light of :

This is the Universe allowing me to learn the Lessons I Came Here to Learn. I should LOVE all of the bullshit that is harassing me in my life and my head because it makes me NEED to Evolve beyond what I am now and become an ever greater version of myself.

Thank you, Universe, for all the shit that you have been throwing at me, and that you will throw at me in the future. I know this is actually ME throwing it to Myself with LOVE so I can bring forth my BEST POSSIBLE VERSION IN THIS LIFE.

This is so much empowering.

Love and Accept every parts of yourself that isn’t yet filled with Love and Acceptance.

I wanna thank Matt Kahn for opening me up to those kinds of thoughts which are truly aligned with my essence. It now allows me to understand more and to share more precisely and closer to the truth how to play the game of life. It is his life mission too.



Trust the Shroom’s Spirit. Trust One

Dednim Retsam / Mushroom Spirit / One / Master Minded :

« 🍄: Everything in LIFE happens for one reason and one reason only – for you to LISTEN WITH YOUR HEART, in order to learn more about yourself.

Because THIS is all YOU.

Everyone and everything is a teacher if you pay enough attention – see it, take it in without any fear or any judgmental perspective about others or yourself.
And from this PURE, HONEST, LOVING point of YOU, you will see that in those moments when you truly know what you FEEL inside your HEART, you will teach your MIND to be more silent, it will recognize that you
And whatever YOUR MIND IS PROGRAMMED into, will effect less and less on your TRUE feeling

You will think less and FEEL MORE

My warmest hug and deepest pure blessing to you all

Thank you
One ❤️ »



By the way..

In the end

When everything is aligned

When you don’t need anything

When you feel satisfied with what is

The only thing that truly matters then

Is how much good you can do unto others

For it is the  greatest and most sacred pleasure that you can enjoy



There is a “magic theatre” wherever you look, if you can only relax and forget about yourself as an actor caught in a net struggling to get out. To be incapable of sitting and watching with the mind completely at rest is to be incapable of experiencing the world in which we live to the full.

 “I have no peace of mind. Please pacify my mind.” “Bring out your mind here before me and I will pacify it.. “But, when I seek my own mind, I can’t find it.” “There, I have pacified your mind.” At that moment, he had his awakening.

Most people, it seems, who relax and “let go” have the universal experience of discovering a single Reality, a oneness with all things, an identity with God, with the Supreme Being, with the Higher Self, or whatever you wish to call it.

[Qu’en est-il de lors de la prise de psychédéliques ? Se perdre dans les fractales en laissant son esprit vagabonder permet de découvrir ça ? Et est-ce que on peut se « concentrer dans les fractales » plutôt que « vagabonder » dedans ? Y-a-t-il une différence qualitative au trip ? La pacifisation de l’esprit se fait dans la « still »itude, la solidité ? Donc la concentration ? sur quelque chose d’autre que le processus cognitifs ? pour s’en dissocier ? Ou se fait elle dans le flow, le lâcher prise total ?

[EDIT : les fractales sont nos pensées. Des vortex dans lesquels on plonge. Peut on manifester le vortex de notre être, et plonger dans ce fractal là ?]

En lâchant prise sur le flot des pensées, sur l’Ego, on atteint la stabilité de l’Observateur ? On perçoit le réel tel qu’il est ? On laisse l’esprit se mêler au tout à travers la substance, et ça peut faire de gros dégâts parce qu’on est pas fait pour le faire sous substance mh ?

 Monday, December 12th at 12:35 pm

All of the subjects were very passive individuals, the men particularly so. All. in one form or another, stressed that anger was very bad and that they were peaceful. Several carefully avoided « stepping on insects. » because it showed disrespect for life to do so. This attitude seemed to permeate every aspect of their lives. They did not play competitive games. Each individual was supposed to do his own « thing » and to gain his own inner satisfaction. There was a deemphasis of any form of competition, a denial of any possible pecking order, and a purposeful negation of the possession of materials.

 We suggest that these intense cognitive and affectual experiences act as powerful reinforcers, gradually shaping an individual’s thinking, beliefs, and behavior

Meditation is not about getting rid of all your thoughts; it’s learning not to get so lost in them that you forget what your goal is. Don’t worry if your focus isn’t perfect when meditating. Just practice coming back to the breath, again and again

 Tuesday, December 13th at 12:49 am

Intuition is different from the inner voice of fear because it is subtle, calm and centered, as opposed to being frantic or aggressive. This is a very important distinction to make. Many people believe they are being guided by intuition when in fact they are being guided by their fearful inner talk. Intuition, or gut feelings, can be thought of as the voice of our souls communicating to us. Whenever you feel drawn towards something or someone (without a fearful (or lacking/needy/power/greedy.. motive), you can be sure that this is your soul trying to guide you.

Saturday, December 10th at 7:14 am

 Quel est le point commun entre Richard Branson, patron de Virgin, Anna Wintour, directrice du Vogue US, Tim Cook (Apple), Marissa Mayer (Yahoo !) ? Le succès ? Certainement. Un emploi du temps de ministre ? Aussi. Mais surtout un secret jusqu’ici bien gardé, et lumineux une fois révélé. Toutes ces personnalités ont l’habitude de se lever avant l’aube, et de démarrer leur journée par une à deux heures rien qu’à eux. Deux heures pour faire du sport, méditer, se cultiver, mettre en route leur journée… Devenir meilleur, en somme ! Se lever tôt, d’accord, mais comment et pour quoi faire ? Avant 8 heures impérativement, et d’un bond, sans se laisser la possibilité de tergiverser. En sachant très clairement comment remplir cette heure ou ces deux heures que l’on s’offre, comme un « supplément de vie’. En profitant de ce moment calme, sans téléphone ni mails, pendant que la maisonnée dort, pour méditer, faire du sport, écrire, lire mais surtout, préparer les objectifs de sa journée, à chaque fois comme une nouvelle petite aventure à entamer.

Miracle Morning

 Saturday, December 10th at 8:41 pm

« Lire Krishnamurti m’a pas mal aidé dans ce sens, l’idée de cesser les pourquoi et les comment: une ruse de l’ego qui refuse de lâcher prise, de laisser place à un plus grand mouvement, celui de la Vie elle-même, vaste et impersonnelle, au sein d’un éternel présent. Lors d’une de ses causeries, un homme dans l’assistance, après l’avoir écouté parler sur le changement nécessaire de la conscience humaine, lui déclare: « mais monsieur, nous ne sommes que des êtres ordinaires » ce à quoi il rétorque:

« Monsieur, les enjeux sont bien trop immenses pour que vous vous permettiez de rester un être ordinaire »… »

 Thursday, November 17th at 7:09 pm

The trick is to combine your waking rational abilities with the infinite possibilities of your dreams. Because, if you can do that, you can do anything.

« To feel today what one felt yesterday isn’t to feel – it’s to remember today what was felt yesterday, to be today’s living corpse of what yesterday was lived and lost. »

Fernando Pessoa

« When one creates phantoms for oneself, one puts vampires into the world, and one must nourish these children of a voluntary nightmare with one’s blood, one’s life, one’s intelligence, and one’s reason, without ever satisfying them. »

Eliphas Levi

« The joy of life consists in the exercise of one’s energies, continual growth, constant change, the enjoyment of every new experience. To stop means simply to die. The eternal mistake of mankind is to set up an attainable ideal. »

Aleister Crowley

« The Universe is an artistic catharsis. »

Artifex Infinitum

 “Celui qui se transforme en bête se délivre de la souffrance d’être un Homme.”

Las Vegas Parano

Celui qui transforme la bête en Homme est maître de ces lieux.

 Monday, November 7th at 2:16 am

When a child expresses his animal instincts, generally it is punished by its parents. Punishment does not lead to the extinction of the Shadow (repressed tendencies, more about this later on), which is impossible, but it leads to the suppression of this archetype. The Shadow retreats to an unconscious state, primitive and undifferentiated. Then, when the Shadow breaks through the repressive barrier, and this does happen once in a while, it manifests itself in a sinister, pathological way.

Tuesday, November 8th at 2:46 pm

this how 2 astral project , look at your hands and arms and ask is this real ? Then answer. Do it throughout the day , when you lay down for bed imagine yourself doing it . Do it over 8 times it will lock in your head when you fall asleep you will do it and when you answer you will become aware because the subconscious needs to access apart of the brain to that could answer questions and that’s you when you are awake. The side effects are if you do it to much you will reprogram your brain and Everytime you sleep will be an astral projection. I’m always aware from a near death experience but people in my family and friends used the question method and they say they are always aware

This is really good advice for lucid dreaming. Going astral from a dream is a little more advanced than projecting directly, I think. I tried it a few times, but my mind takes me to strange places. I could never do it from a dream. If I want to lucid dream, I’ll keep repeating « this is a dream » while falling asleep. When you pass out, you’ll hear yourself say that like an echo and you know you’re dreaming. It’s real good advice though, some say it’s easier to project from a dream.

 Tuesday, November 8th at 5:19 pm

« If you do what you love for a living, you’ll never work a day in your life. »

Marc Anthony

Wednesday, November 9th at 1:42 am

It is hard. But heres the good news – its the easy kind of hard. It’s the kind of thing which, actually, anybody can do if they put in the time and believe in themselves

passion, persistence and determination.

Wednesday, November 9th at 2:27 am

Lors de la rétrospective post-mortem, les moments où nous avons regardé des films constituent des sortes de trous dans la mémoire de notre existence révolue.

Thursday, November 10th at 1:06 am

Si tu ne vas pas a la poursuite de tes rêves, tu ne les atteindras jamais. Si tu n’oses jamais demander, la réponse sera toujours non. Si tu ne vas jamais de l’avant, tu resteras toujours au même endroit. Alors tu dois continuer de rêver, souhaiter de grandes choses et poursuivre tes objectifs, car personne ne le fera à ta place … 😉

Wednesday, November 30th at 8:05 am

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart… Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.

« You are as dead now as you will ever be » – Seth

« Quand je vois que je ne suis rien, c’est la sagesse.
Quand je vois que je suis tout, c’est l’amour.
Et entre les deux, ma vie s’écoule. »

Nisargadatta Maharaj

« Si la réalité venait frapper directement nos sens et notre conscience, si nous pouvions entrer en communion immédiate avec les choses et avec nous-même alors l’art serait inutile, ou plutôt nous serions tous artistes car notre âme vibrerait alors continuellement à l’unisson de la nature ».
Henri Bergson

The willpower instinct

« Meditation is not about getting rid of all your thoughts; it’s learning not to get so lost in them that you forget what your goal is. Don’t worry if your focus isn’t perfect when meditating.
Just practice coming back to the breath, again and again. »


The Idea: Willpower is actually three powers—I will, I won’t, and I want—that help us to be a better version of ourselves.

Under the Microscope

• What is the harder thing? Imagine yourself facing your willpower challenge, and doing
the harder thing. What makes it hard?
• Meet your two minds. For your willpower challenge, describe your two competing
selves. What does the impulsive version of you want? What does the wiser version of
you want?

Willpower Experiments

• Track your willpower choices. For at least one day, try to notice every decision you make
related to your willpower challenge.
• Five-minute brain-training meditation. Focus on your breath using the words “inhale”
and “exhale” in your mind. When your mind wanders, notice, and bring it back to the


I want to know how to know.

I want to feel how feelings work.

I want to observe how thoughts come into life and fade away

I want to want. I wish to will willing. I want to want. How does desire arise ? How does will work ? How do feelings come and go ? How do thoughts behave ?

Why do I keep falling asleep ? Why do I stay asleep and do not wake ? How can I wake up ? How can I want to wake up ? Why can’t I really want to want to wake up ? I don’t want to ?

« I’m in a dream. I don’t know whose dream it is. »

So, what’s holding you back ?



Do what ?

Fall in love with reality? With experience? With life itself ?

Throw out everything holding you back. Embrace the chaos. Become the flow.

Today. Not tomorrow.


What’s holding you back?

 Myself. My fears. My comfort. My weaknesses. My short-sightedness. My lack of faith. My need to cling to what I know and have. My magic-pill mindset. My arrogance. My platitude. My self-loathing. My self-pity. My shame. My loneliness. My anger. My guilt. My sadness.

Are these yours or are these only there for you to experience?

Do you really think that all of this encompasses your being?

Your true nature, your essence, your whole depth?

Isn’t it merely the surface layer, a thin one, almost illusory?

Can’t you see the light behind this cloud?

Don’t you know that it is your true nature?

And that those behaviors you identify to are merely reflections on a glass, illusions, smoke?

Yes, I understand what you’re saying, but…

No buts ! No excuses. No justification. You need to shift your paradigm.

So, what’s holding you back ?

My thought patterns, that I identify with. Remnants of unconscious habits my essence have nothing to do with. Only illusory smoke that I believe is my Self.

So, what’s holding you back?

… Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

There you go. Now your thoughts are aligned with your true Essence.

You are not your illusory self. It can be discarded as a whole in an instant. This is the only thing you need to know and practice to start to fully live from within the realization of your deepest core, the only true freedom.

Embrace your essence with humor, humbleness and gratitude, strength and devotion, know that you deserve to be loved by the Universe and you deserve to let love flow through You.

Play with the Chaos of Creation, the magnificent harmonies of this epic everlasting melody which you are an instrument and a player of.