Out of love – do what ought to be done

Anthroposophie as medicine for the soul and the spirit.

Creating communities foreshadowing the sixth cultural epoch

  • creating the HUB of Communities that are aligned towards that purpose
  • make the purpose clear in depth and available (app, video game, movie, youtube, book, website, wiki, reddit, wateve)
  • make it become a mainstream knowledge that humanity’s moving towards this and need to integrate materialism within a spiritual cosmology to move forward
  • give to the people the means of leveling up their souls (psychup) and create groupings together that are engineered towards universal salvation
  • focus on the way to heal the diseased souls (mental disorders; meanness; lack of belief in life’s power; in one’s own power. specific things for each body and relationships between them + particular individual cases involving karma etc.. [mental disorder + spiritual inclination = particularly suited for accepting spiritual truthes that may correct their irregular geometry)
  • special division for « save souls before they die » – infuse spiritual science into the hearts of dying people (especially the materialistic ones) [like : wat to expect

Interprétation correcte du mot anthroposophie

Au fond, anthroposophie ne doit pas être autre chose que cette sophia, cet état de conscience, cette expérience intérieure de l’âme humaine qui rend l’homme pleinement humain. L’interprétation correcte du mot  » anthroposophie  » n’est pas  » sagesse de l’homme « , mais  » conscience de son humanité « , c’est-à-dire éduquer sa volonté, cultiver la connaissance, vivre le destin de son temps afin de donner à son âme une orientation de conscience, une sophia (Rudolf Steiner. conférence du 13 février 1923 à Stuttgart.)

Birthing PsychUp



it has to be a personnal full blown expression of the archetype living in me. I need to channel it, with all the love wisdom freedom and strength I am able to withstand.

it is about creating an egregore that will allow for a « quantum transition » of what it means to be human.

incorporating the whole purpose of human existence; first it is super hard because our individuality is not expressed much etc.. but as we grow and become solid human beings (in spiritual power); there’s a gravitational pull that centers us in the past-present-future karmic threads. love for thy neighbor is growing. creativity; freedom from ideologies (this is intrinsic part of PsychUp, the philosophy of freedom path should be incorporated into the structure itself of me writing psychup, organically transmitting « the egregore » — my SOUL to the world.

Instead of talking about an egregore; maybe I should talk about my soul.. ? because it seems that this is what is wanting to be expressed. Or is it glimpses of the Spirit through my Soul that I get inspired by ? Is is Anthroposophia’s presence that I feel ?

vivify it. I must vivify this flavour. take time apart, finally start living what is lurking within me (that I have glimpse of on LSD)

but my thoughts/emotions/will are untrained, or at least they are unconsciously.

Thank you guardian angel (Qilin ;)), and thank you the Dead, and thank you the Angels and Archangels and Archaïs; thank you Anthroposophia; Thank you Godhead ! For leading me on my path while I sweep unconsciously through life, unaware of the plans written each day, the delicate golden threads swirling to connect me with the places and meetings I need to have to realize my Self.

I apologize for my lack of humbleness, for my downright sabotage.. I am ashamed [AND THIS IS HEALTHY FEELING. PUT YOUR HEAD DOWN IN FRONT OF THE LORD THIS IS NORMAL, LIKE CLOSING YOUR EYES WHEN THERE IS TOO MUCH LIGHT; YOU CLOSE YOUR EGOTISM WHEN YOU GET GLIMPSES OF THE GODHEAD. And yet; you don’t blame yourself from closing your eyes, not able to withstand too much light. You do it, and you get used to it, the less resistance you put in the process, the more they will likely adapt themselves to the light and be able to tense down bit by bit. Shame is a healthy feeling for developing Humbleness. It has to be balanced with Mercy instead of Tyranny (Wrath) towards one’s self.

Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Deadly Virtues

This kind of Design (Key, Archetypal Concepts) put together in organic fashion will help make spiritual-development tools for the soul for example.

+ Hermetic principles fioulala..

Idée : Faire Un mois/Une philosophie de vie à intégrer (=vivifier les sentiments en l’âme pour que la géométrie soit « uploadée », le software installé




[Insight qui a rien à voir : le processus de faire des connexion vu chez asprem là + sous psychedelic + hermetic; postuler le fait que la configuration intérieure de l’individu (etheric/astral/ego/corps physique) = différence si les insights hermétiques sont juste ou pas. en gros si il est axé sur la nature ben il peut la déchiffrer.

ok donc psychup c’est aussi se focus sur déchiffrer le code de la nature. livre les hiéroglyphe de l’univers.

pour ça il faut installer une carte conceptuelle psychupienne qui est faite avec rigueur, c’est à dire on sait ce qu’on met dans le soulware, et pourquoi, c’est quoi la fonction de cette connaissance dans le processus de développement de l’hyperindividualité cosmique.

les étapes sont définies par steiner, koulias, + processus d’individuation de Jung etc; + le mec qui a fait steiner/jung school avec mandala tools etc c’est exactement ça aussi que jveux faire (cpour ça que psychup c’est aussi une volonté de réunir tous les gens qui sont dans le meme esprit pour donner un panel de choix à tous les humains. on rallie tous les gens qui sont axés sur les bonnes connaissances de la nature spirituelle humaine, sans danger; et on les organise organiquement sur un site où les gens participent activement à se faire une sélection; faire des commentaires; partager; créer leur propres idées; mélanger des idées qui ont pas encore été mélangées; etc.

L’internet des âmes qui s’éveillent quoi. Psychup.net


Insight : médite devant tes gosses tous les jours jusqu’à ce qu’ils aient leurs dents, ils t’imiteront pendant cette période ça restera ancré.

Insight : les écoles Waldorf permettent une saine growing up de la soul toussa.

mais ça reste axé sur être « normal ». moi je veux une school d’initiés, des enfants initiés. ou en tout cas préparés à être Loving and Free, et imbués de l’intelligence michaelique + organique + self responsibility + integration de l’ombre + bonnes heuristiques pour gérer les choses (thoughts etc..) + metacompréhension de l’humain sur les points importants à maîtriser + pratiques à l’école pour maîtriser (pensée/émotions (théatre etc.)/meditation; controle du physique (pas forcément eurythmie mais jonglage etc, rythme) + metaunderstanding (through material science; spiritual science; psychology; different perspectives on the same fundamental principles that enlighten the importance of mastering them and building up daily habits that involve practicing our mastery.

Psychupian Community

We all become scientists, psychotherapists, shamans, anthroposophists, whatever we see fit with our individualities, and we rigorously and methodologically and enthusiastically create ourselves anew with our will.

To truly know the world, look deeply within your own being; to truly know yourself, take real interest in the world.

PsychUp practice

The purpose is to « lift each other up, higher and higher »

understanding the anthroposophical spiritual science = leads to true insights on individuals inner geometry.

circle of friends – human conscientizing themselves & sharing the vision of being reincarnated, the stream from past and stream from future (and trusting the stream from future; PsychUp is actually me tapping to the Future Stream that is flowing towards me and everyone)

circle of friends around 1 person, super mega safe environnement, the person is ready to undergo an experience. everyone sit in circle around the person, lying down.

It can be in a specific place; shaped specifically (organic architecture like first goetheanum) + symbols/intents etc all pure around; tibetan bowls, bells, and other techniques, that stem from all cultures; and are selected PRECISELY for the INDIVIDUAL’S INITIATION (relating to his personnal geometry (configuration of each body; relationship between those configurations to create the homeostasy of the individual at this instant. but within him lie forces that will make him grow further (dominion over astral/etheric; incorporation of eternal truthes in the consciousness soul..)

special care should be done : practicing the exercices. knowing where we’re at, where we’re going, how, why. pinpointing every detail to make it according to nature; micro/macro resonance on all planes of existence (this is PsychUp tech/science)

Anthroposophy as cure for Spiritual Materialism

(mingling the East only with the scientific west, but without the initiatic tradition, christ mystery, magus and shepherds stuff)

spiritual materialism = alliance de lucifer et d’ahriman pour proposer un world framework « spirituel » et fonctionnel pour la domination de l’anti-christ.

volonté sheitanique d’embrassement d’une nouvelle spiritualité mondiale new-age qui reconnaît pas corps/ame/esprit, reincarnation etc..

Is Rudolf Steiner Al-Mahdi ?

That could be deep. If steiner is the Mahdi (because he announced the way how Christ will return, and how to access this return, battling against Ahriman/Lucifer/Sorath Antichristic Trinity) then it would be interesting to strive to make it known to muslims.

  • Muhammadis reported in hadith to have said:

The Mahdi is the protector of the knowledge, the heir to the knowledge of all the prophets, and is aware of all things.[55][56]

The dominion (authority) of the Mahdi is one of the proofs that God has created all things; these are so numerous that his [the Mahdi’s] proofs will overcome (will be influential, will be dominant) everyone and nobody will have any counter-proposition against him.[57]

People will flee from him [the Mahdi] as sheep flee from the shepherd. Later, people will begin to look for a purifier. But since they can find none to help them but him, they will begin to run to him.[58]

[The whole body soul and spirit of Anthroposophical knowledge is linked to the Michaelic Intelligence of the Cosmic Christ, right ? So, you can’t get more purifying than that. And steiner went into details as to the purification (of body/soul/spirit) through exercizes, understanding the will, etc…)

When matters are entrusted to competent [the Mahdi], Almighty God will raise the lowest part of the world for him, and lower the highest places. So much that he will see the whole world as if in the palm of his hand [correlate this with A. Koulias text saying that steiner had 3 levels of consciousness, streaming of past, present and future, coming together [INSIGHT : My ‘Atman’ painting looks like this..]. Which of you cannot see even a single hair in the palm of his hand?[59]

In the time of the Mahdi, a Muslim in the East will be able to see his Muslim brother in the West, and he in the West will see him in the East.[60]

Internet ? Mais steiner est mort avant ? Mais il est fait pour être reconnu maintenant ?

Comment faire pour faire en sorte qu’il y ait un BREAKTHROUGH pour LEGITIMER et FAIRE VALOIR la vision ANTHROPOSOPHIQUE qui contrecarre le MATERIALISME RAMPANT de MEPHISTOPHELES ?

PSychup. Guérir des gens grâce aux insights de steiner, et démontrer la LOGIQUE SPIRITUELLE qui mène à déterminer la NATURE DU PROBLEME, et donc SA RESOLUTION. (probleme = X, X= phenomène lié à (lucifer,ahriman,planetes,etc..; qui correspondent à ces qualités là) donc, pour guérir X, il faut appliquer Y car Y est le pôle complémentaire de X (faiblesse du corps éthérique, corps éthérique = mémoire,rythme; solution « homéopathique/anthroposophique (=travail à partir de l’Ego sur les corps subtils pour pénétrer, individualiser, spiritualiser ces corps, les conquérir, les coloniser, les façonner) = travail sur la mémoire, travail sur le rythme (schedule, mais rythme corporel aussi + rythme respiration [CONTROLE RESPIRATION = Ego ==> Corps Astral. Respiration rythmée = Corps Astral (air) + rythme (éthérique;eau) = équilibrage.