« Awakening back into the body »


Matt Kahn  » The Path of Courage »

1st Stage : Great Clarity is required.

2nd stage : returning back as awakened consciousness. It requires COURAGE.

Entry point of new level of mastery. All masters come back.

I want a brand new beginning, in depth of the soul, and courage to act upon it in the most respectful and courageous way.

We don’t get hurt by taking things « Personnaly », we’re hurt from not being the full person that we are. [Thus, we don’t take « life » Personnaly enough anyway, else we wouldn’t get hurt by anything for we would be responsible of being Us. But we’re not fully committed to playing and expressing ourselves, so if anyone points out the limitations we’re imposing ourselves, we contract and defend these limitations as parts of ourselves whereas they’re not really, they’re part of what keeps us away from being truly ourselves.]

The Pain is to put us back into our bodies that we’re afraid to get back into. Because « up here in the Cosmos it’s heaven, I dunwanna lose this » : actually it’s a mirage, and you have to get your ass back down to reality.

Courage – Core rage – Inner tension required to get really in life, tap into it.

If you don’t act courageously, core rage = active : ANGER, passive : SADNESS.

Core rage – turn it into COURAGE or else it fuels nothing but notgood.

How do you become Courageous, to heal your Core-Rage that fuels your agressive Anger and passive Sadness ?

As ESB, we’re already self-aware, and we lack the healthy amount of self-importance that gives us the worthiness to be courageous. To live boldly, and to actually Hold Space in our lives and actually matter. And you can’t matter if you think this world is an illusion.

This world is Real. Cause you’re Real, and if you’re Real, everything’s Real ! And if you’re Real, Everything Matters. And not Fear Based, like « Omg my thoughts ! » xD

Let’s Learn how to heal the Core-Rage and the Inner Turmoil, by understanding how to be Courageous.

The transition from Core-Rage to Courage is called Surrender.

How many times have you had the experience « I Let go, so haaard, but it didn’t work 😥 » xD

You don’t let go of things, things let go of you.

You’re the one who’s let got of. And what triggers this ?

The cultivation of your Courage. And Surrender is what does that.

(It shall make you change thought patterns etc which won’t attract anymore the same behaviors in all fields of you existence)

So what does it mean to Surrender ?

Surrendering to the Fact, (actually the Higher Self Viewpoint) that every single thing in your life is here to help you evolve and become better than you’ve ever been before, whether you like what’s happening or not, that’s what surrender is.

And if we surrender to that, there’s NOTHING to « Blame ». [Blame doesn’t exist anymore. Therefore I could become greatful of all these negative thought patterns for teaching me how not to love myself and make me strive to reach the opposite side of the spectrum]

It’s a very noble act to say : « I don’t like what’s happening, I don’t like the characters that are playing their perfect roles, I don’t like script I’m reading from, I don’t like the character that I have to be, I don’t like this one bit, but I won’t blame anyone, because everything is there to help me, and I’m going to take the most noble step of surrender by focusing on how something is helping me, and even if I don’t know how it’s helping me, the fact that I can accept that it IS beneficial to me, the absence of Blame allows Everything to Be your greatest evolutionnary benefit.

« Everything is here to help me, and I don’t have to like it. »

For me it’s like « That would be Neat ! » and if it doesn’t happen well « Bummer ! Moving on ! ». And sometimes it’s more serious, « This is what I Want ». It’s an actual inner Wanting, different from this superficiality. And if it’s going to help You, it can only be of benefit to Others.

And I think part of the hypnosis that we all get stuck in as energetically sensitive beings, often caught in very debilitating co-dependent cycles, is we try to get other people to understand the benefits of these decisions. And we say « until they’re okay with it, I can’t make my move ». « Until they’re okay, we must not be complete. » In reality, you’re only Incomplete until you take your Bald Step Forward. So most people are stuck waiting for things to be complete, and its their exit into the new reality that is the completion they’re seeking.

« No One needs to See that it’s Best for All. Only I do. And that’s when you learn to Trust your Self. »

You don’t heal unworthiness through inner spiritual work, you heal un-worthiness by being courageous and trusting yourself. I know what I have to do, here’s what I’m gonna do, and you see people in your life who aren’t necessarily on the same page, that’s just your own reflection of.. history of self-doubt

Everything that I take is a Grace

Everything that is taken is a Liberation, only creating new space in my life for greater frontiers to emerge.

In the spiritual path, we seem to be only greatful for the things we like. [Hit : start of practicing of gratefullness towards the Shadow/This fuckedupness of the hypnotic trance negative unconscious patterns undermining your life 😀 Thank you demons] And I think what we should start is being grateful for the most helpful things.

Hey this change is happening in my life, this is highly inconvenient, Very Helpful ! Not Convenient. Not a fan ! But wow, the benefits ! xD

There are things that are really good for us spiritually, that your Ego wants nothing to do with. And that’s okay 🙂

But the Ego is under the impression of « If I don’t want it, I shouldn’t have to go through it. » But that’s not what this adventure is about. How do you know the things you have to go through ?

The things that are happening ! It’s really simple. Nothing happens without some sort of evolutionary benefit, whether you see it now or in 20 years, it doesn’t mean there isn’t a gift in it.

Everything is here to help you.

If everything is here to help us, then we face life openly. We stop negotiating with life. Life knows what you want ! But life needs you to become your Boldest self before it gives you everything you desire.

First you have to become life greatest’s desire of who you’ve come to be. You have to become life’s greatest desire and then all of your desires are fulfilled as you embody the image of Life’s highest perfection.

We first fulfill Life’s desires, and then Life fulfills Our desires.

Surrender is : no matter what happens, no One to blame.

You don’t need to blame some One or yourself in order to move on. You can just go « thank you so much. Moving on »


Feels good : Here’s what I need to do to challenge myself. It’s not like going hard, it’s just what needs to be. I feel it from Life. Courage.


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