Out of love – do what ought to be done

Anthroposophie as medicine for the soul and the spirit.

Creating communities foreshadowing the sixth cultural epoch

  • creating the HUB of Communities that are aligned towards that purpose
  • make the purpose clear in depth and available (app, video game, movie, youtube, book, website, wiki, reddit, wateve)
  • make it become a mainstream knowledge that humanity’s moving towards this and need to integrate materialism within a spiritual cosmology to move forward
  • give to the people the means of leveling up their souls (psychup) and create groupings together that are engineered towards universal salvation
  • focus on the way to heal the diseased souls (mental disorders; meanness; lack of belief in life’s power; in one’s own power. specific things for each body and relationships between them + particular individual cases involving karma etc.. [mental disorder + spiritual inclination = particularly suited for accepting spiritual truthes that may correct their irregular geometry)
  • special division for « save souls before they die » – infuse spiritual science into the hearts of dying people (especially the materialistic ones) [like : wat to expect

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