So why am I BLOCKING the light from shining through me ? Does it get lost in self-contemplation instead of transmitting itself unto the world ?

you have to give in order to receive

surfing the wave of your highest potential comes with sacrifices diligence and joy !

if you’re not willing to welcome a ne paradigm where you can be joyous, wiser, and carve your timeline with more confidence and prestance.. and if you want to stay in the timeline of a wasted potsmoker.. well, the earth will lose a precious warrior


on the other hand…

you know that you are Qilin. You know that I AM Qilin, the synchronic surfer syntonizing all dreamers. this is what you want to be. you want to teach children and appeal to them by being this crazy unicorn bruv.


Philanthropic people must come together and organize organically around structures drawing from love and freedom. creating groups spawning all over the earth spreading the knowledge that Human beings are starting to take care of themselves for real and will not need outside leadership anymore.

We shall save the world. By interconnecting everyone and building loving relationships with our environment, operating a multidimensional permaculture, spiraling up the whole world.

You are my higher self. I am yours too. So let us elevate ourselves. And reach the truth. Becoming what we ought to be. And spread the Light. Ending all suffering. And feel alright. This is why we’re here. This is the fight. So settle in your own Being, and ride the wave towards the Light inside your Heart.

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