Is Rudolf Steiner Al-Mahdi ?

That could be deep. If steiner is the Mahdi (because he announced the way how Christ will return, and how to access this return, battling against Ahriman/Lucifer/Sorath Antichristic Trinity) then it would be interesting to strive to make it known to muslims.

  • Muhammadis reported in hadith to have said:

The Mahdi is the protector of the knowledge, the heir to the knowledge of all the prophets, and is aware of all things.[55][56]

The dominion (authority) of the Mahdi is one of the proofs that God has created all things; these are so numerous that his [the Mahdi’s] proofs will overcome (will be influential, will be dominant) everyone and nobody will have any counter-proposition against him.[57]

People will flee from him [the Mahdi] as sheep flee from the shepherd. Later, people will begin to look for a purifier. But since they can find none to help them but him, they will begin to run to him.[58]

[The whole body soul and spirit of Anthroposophical knowledge is linked to the Michaelic Intelligence of the Cosmic Christ, right ? So, you can’t get more purifying than that. And steiner went into details as to the purification (of body/soul/spirit) through exercizes, understanding the will, etc…)

When matters are entrusted to competent [the Mahdi], Almighty God will raise the lowest part of the world for him, and lower the highest places. So much that he will see the whole world as if in the palm of his hand [correlate this with A. Koulias text saying that steiner had 3 levels of consciousness, streaming of past, present and future, coming together [INSIGHT : My ‘Atman’ painting looks like this..]. Which of you cannot see even a single hair in the palm of his hand?[59]

In the time of the Mahdi, a Muslim in the East will be able to see his Muslim brother in the West, and he in the West will see him in the East.[60]

Internet ? Mais steiner est mort avant ? Mais il est fait pour être reconnu maintenant ?

Comment faire pour faire en sorte qu’il y ait un BREAKTHROUGH pour LEGITIMER et FAIRE VALOIR la vision ANTHROPOSOPHIQUE qui contrecarre le MATERIALISME RAMPANT de MEPHISTOPHELES ?

PSychup. Guérir des gens grâce aux insights de steiner, et démontrer la LOGIQUE SPIRITUELLE qui mène à déterminer la NATURE DU PROBLEME, et donc SA RESOLUTION. (probleme = X, X= phenomène lié à (lucifer,ahriman,planetes,etc..; qui correspondent à ces qualités là) donc, pour guérir X, il faut appliquer Y car Y est le pôle complémentaire de X (faiblesse du corps éthérique, corps éthérique = mémoire,rythme; solution « homéopathique/anthroposophique (=travail à partir de l’Ego sur les corps subtils pour pénétrer, individualiser, spiritualiser ces corps, les conquérir, les coloniser, les façonner) = travail sur la mémoire, travail sur le rythme (schedule, mais rythme corporel aussi + rythme respiration [CONTROLE RESPIRATION = Ego ==> Corps Astral. Respiration rythmée = Corps Astral (air) + rythme (éthérique;eau) = équilibrage.

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