Scholarly endeavours will end up losing their Fear of Spiritual Realities through the Ultimate Quest for Truth.

« If we were to accept thoughts as the glue that links everything to everything, as the most potent act of creation that we are capable of, as we exist through thoughts only; therefore, the responsibility will dawn on us that everything we’ve done has been creating definite results in the course of human history, that cristallize themselves in the modern culture of Egotism, bowing to Luciferian and Ahrimanic entities instead of rising above the grossness through Christ and Marrying both poles of the Darkness and infuse them with Light.

If we are, as individuated consciousnesses, thought-clusters, thought-forms manifested in matter; therefore isn’t our aim to become the Empire of Ourselves, the Temple of our Hyperindividuality ?

In a profoundly structured universe relying on absolute freedom, then, how Creative can you get to become You ? How so unique can you become through this life ! How Infinite you are when you look for answers Within and not Without ?

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