Eurythmic Synchronaut

The story of how I became a Synchronicity,

how I became the moment and the moment became me

yet I stayed conscious of its play and watched underneath the curtain

of the matrix we are entangled into

the fairy tale of the one

awakening one individual at a time

with a particular synchronhistory

of how it came to become one with the all

and we shall all laugh it off and continue playing along

when we will all realize we’re allallone

like little christmas elvs, working in syntony

to prepare all the gifts for the children of unity

we’re co-creators in this experience

and we’ll make living beings

out of our inner substance

and that we dare to dream

of another kind of reality

where imagination comes first

and penetrates whatever’s focused on

and transforms it instantly

allowing for the Game of Life

to become what it was meant to be

many challenges await

our dear Humanity

let us prepare ourselves bravely

and face them consciously

becoming the artists of synchrony

riding the wave

becoming the droplets and

carrying ahead

the destined plan

of our coming to freehood

let us praise the Light

and welcome our consciousness-soul

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