One shall learn how to write

In this field of infinite possibilities called reality, the human being is the most evolutive form of self-conscious entity. The ingeniosity of its inner components is a beam of wisdom in this ocean of chaotic entropy called matter and form.

The human consciousness, through retro-feedback in multiples lives lived through different bodies, grows its soul’s consciousness life after life. The individual being learns to build through its personnal volition and own efforts the necessary suprasensible organs to navigate in the interdimensional realms of this big mambo-jumbo called « reality ». These organs includes developing the moral virtues of the soul, the solidity of the Ego, the clearness aliveness of thoughts.

At some point [.. forgot the thread]

Then as a first step, One shall want both to understand what One is composed of, what is the structure of One’s inner being, and what individual qualities is this structure imbued with.

What are the possibilities of its development, what is inner the infinite seed of the soul that One’s is growing.

And what is the Outside of One composed of, its structure, how shall One compose his relationship with the External World, and with other Ones ?

How have I developed myself, what is the geometry of my inner being(s) ? How do these geometries interact with each other ? And how do they react and transform and respond depending on specific situations ?

What kind of symbolic-karmic-loops will I still encounter in my life that will make me progress towards a more harmonized geometry, and how can I see beforehand these kinds of inner threads and accompany their making in full loving consciousness ?

(and hardcore player kind), what are the most effective way to cut the bullshit and the running around in circles to play directly from the core structures of the game ?


This game is a game of rythmic-pattern setting sprouting forth fractalized combinations of intermingling/interpenetrating planes and ever-interacting beings. The purpose is to align to the source code for our inner mandalas to be filled with the best nutritive components/geometries.

Thus the original set point of anything sets the tone for the whole fractalized development as well as the acquaintance with other substances/realms/frequencies/beings etc.

Setting any thought or any feeling is like conjuring up a being or a specific number to make an equation out of it. If you’re unconscious you do so much bullshit cause you don’t know that you’re playing equation game. But if you picture the equation and understand how to play around mathematics of subtle realms then you conjure up the right beings.emotions/thoughts to play that equation right and manifest it in matter ^^

Setting an unfocused, ill-aimed, unfaithful wish will only result on relative superficial attraction of disappointment, self-ill-aiming, self un-faith etc.

If One would have a strong will but passionate feelings and unconscious mind, this is where the « juicy » passionate human life comes from with all its wonders and ills, ups and downs, stories, energy exchange in cosmic balance with karmic forces to get muscles and individual selves in this realm of sharing.

Bouncing back and forth through millenial feedback, these ups and down and our inner will to stay centered have made humanity focus on the development of its navigatorship through this earth.


[Self analysis : dude how do you even write ? you just flow. You need your mind.

This ought to become not only a dissertive kind of mind but an organic one. You have something to say, because you see a living Idea that needs to be painted with words.

Thus, you shall contemplate the Idea from « bottom up », from the nuclei to the skin, from the seed to the fruit, and then paint it. Paint it and describe every little process that lives in this Idea, in the right order for it to become living in the mind of the reader. Contemplating first, observation, then correct recollection of the living Idea through words is a complex and most lively process of art.

The way they transmit themselves is dependent on the geometry of the mind (etheric-astral bodies, -soul consciousness; intelligence; mental cartography; inner mandala; neurostructure) that « channels » them through self-volition. They come into contact with this structure, but also with the present settings of the individual. Physical, emotionnal and mental settings are crucial for writing in full harmony with our human capacities.

Then, one’s mental settings should be free of distraction and full of contemplative concentration on the Ideas that are set to be channeled through, as well as the operative way of structuring the speech/writing for them to be organic; feelings ought not to be shut down but, au contraire, amply and in-depthly fueled by the inner fire of individual Will to give life to the Ideas that need be expressed.

Therefore this personnal fire of Volition is the essential ingredient giving birth to the liveliness of what is expressed, and any work lacking this kind of fire will present itself as lacking inner life and individuality, imbued with an analyzing coldness that doesn’t satisfy the tastefullness of One’s soul’s feelings.

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